

  1. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 ensures 学生 have the necessary skills to launch a successful career and be a productive and engaged citizen.

    • 行动项目1

      负责部门/副总裁: 学术事务/博士. 泰勒

      参与者: 教师; 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯

      2023年的结果: Graduates produce an e-portfolio containing examples of their work that demonstrates they have the skills expected to be successful in professional careers or post-graduate study.

      注: 建议采取三项措施:
      1. 修订和实施《澳门赌城官方网站》;
      2. 课外教育在技能习得中的作用调查(e).g., leadership); and,
      3. 使用电子档案作为技能获取的证据库.

  2. All graduates have multiple High Impact Practices (HIPs) with a focus on internships and integrative capstone experiences.

    • 行动项目2

      负责部门/副总裁: 学术事务/博士. 泰勒

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯

      2023年的结果: All graduates have had an educational experience that 1) is outside of the classroom and 2) integrates knowledge and skills in their specific area(s) of study.

      注: 提出三项倡议;  
      1.  提高学生对FSU对HIPs的承诺和扩展的认识; 
      2.  Increased emphasis on internship experiences; and,
      3.  在顶点体验中有意学习和“签名作品”的发展.

  3. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 supports student success through comprehensive academic and career 服务 that are focused on the needs of 学生 from admission through their years as alumni

    • 行动项目3

      负责部门/副总裁:  学术事务/博士. 泰勒

      参与者: 教师; 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯; University Advancement/Mr. 短

      2023年的结果: Career and academic advising support and 服务 are tailored to the individual’s progress at FSU and are recognized as a preeminent component of the university.

      注: Participation in the NACADA/Gardner Institute Excellence in Academic Advising Program will be the major driving force for improving and enhancing academic advising during the 5-year time period.  FSU will also focus on the second-year experience as a critical time for career advising through course offerings, self-inventories, 作为第二年住院医师要求的一部分.  Recognizing the value of a Career and Professional Development Center (CDPC) to 学生 and alumni as a resource for career selection and advancement, the 服务 and offerings of the CPDC will be assessed in terms of meeting or exceeding national best practice benchmarks.

  4. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 provides programs and 服务 that promote student engagement, 以及自我意识和幸福感的发展.

    • 行动项目4

      负责部门/副总裁:  学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯 

      2023年的结果: Graduates have developed lifestyles that promote physical and mental wellness and have the necessary skills to maintain wellness in life.

      注: This outcome relies on a significant focus on co-curricular offerings to improve physical and mental wellness among 学生. The results of a multi-year plan with a comprehensive approach to well-being will lead to a defined co-curriculum.

  5. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 integrates civic learning and democratic engagement into the curricular and co-curricular student experience.

    • 行动项目5

      负责部门/副总裁: 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯 

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; 学术事务/博士. 泰勒; 区域接触/先生. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果所有FSU毕业生都表现出对差异的尊重, 提高他们的文化竞争力.

      注: 认识到FSU学生群体日益多样化, 教职员工, FSU将为包容和公众庆祝多样性创造更多的机会. 

  6. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 sustains a campus culture that respects differences in people and ideas, 价值观包容和多样性, 促进文化竞争力.

    • 行动项目6

      负责部门/副总裁: 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯 

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; 学术事务/博士. 泰勒; 登记管理

      2023年的结果所有FSU毕业生都表现出对差异的尊重, 提高他们的文化竞争力.

      注: 认识到FSU学生群体日益多样化, 教职员工, FSU将为包容和公众庆祝多样性创造更多的机会. 

  7. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 fosters regional development through increased: 1) number of graduates employed in the region; 2) number of businesses created by faculty, 工作人员, or graduates; and 3) number of collaborative regional development projects.

    • 行动项目7

      负责部门/副总裁:  区域接触/先生. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果:Career placement data indicate FSU graduates are employed within the region and state in appropriate career tracks within six months of graduation.

      注: 这需要进一步发展

  8. 科技与学习和校园体验无缝结合.

    • 行动项目8

      负责部门/副总裁: 管理 & 金融/ CIO /特洛伊Donoway

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; 学术事务/博士. 泰勒; 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯

      2023年的结果: Open Educational Resources and Learning Management Systems are integrated into most FSU courses and data are available and shared across all university software platforms to facilitate student success and university support operations.

      注: The IT Master Plan is the critical component to this action item in that coordination and communication among faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 和资讯科技人员对提高有用性至关重要(例如.g.(易用性,数据无缝集成)的校园IT产品.


  9. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 has a recruitment plan that incorporates student demands and regional and state workforce needs for three target groups – the high school graduate, 大学转学生, 而工作的成年人.

    • 行动项目9

      负责部门/副总裁:  登记管理

      参与者: 教师; 学术事务/博士. 泰勒

      2023年的结果:计划, 基于适当的分析, shows improvements in student recruitment over the time period and job placement data reflect success in addressing regional and statewide workforce demands.

      注: 认识到FSU学生群体日益多样化, 教职员工, FSU将为包容和公众庆祝多样性创造更多的机会. 

  10. FSU is promoted through traditional and emerging market media to the target segments identified in the recruitment plan that highlights successes, 服务, 以及适合每个目标细分市场的特征.

    • 行动项目10

      负责部门/副总裁:  登记管理; University Advancement, Mr. 短

      2023年的结果: Marketing artifacts are visible and recognizable to targeted segments of the regional and state population.

      注: 焦点是双重的. Primary focus is to increase FSU awareness among high school 学生, transfers, and working adults. 第二个重点是增加公众和校友对FSU成就的了解.

  11. 澳门十大赌城官方网站’s budgeting model is transparent and based on defined performance metrics with resources provided to close the gap or exceed critical benchmarks with peer institutions.

    • 行动项目11

      负责部门/副总裁: 管理 & 金融/Mr. 维登

      参与者: 学术事务/博士. 泰勒; 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯; University Advancement/Mr. 短; 区域接触/先生. 迪莉娅; 登记管理

      2023年的结果:The budgeting model is understood by university members and is linked to effective use of all resources to support the student success and the university’s mission.

      注: 建议采取三项措施:

      1. 修订预算程序,使之更好地与绩效和大学优先事项相一致;
      2. Continued attention to enhancing communication and transparency about the budget; and,
      3. 消除FSU与同行院校之间的教职工工资差距.
  12. FSU provides professional development opportunities for its 教职员工 to ensure they are current in their respective field or area of service.

    • 行动项目12

      负责部门/副总裁: 管理 & 金融/Mr. 维登

      参与者: 学术事务/博士. 泰勒; 学生事务/博士. 特拉维斯; University Advancement/Mr. 短; 区域接触/先生. 迪莉娅; 登记管理

      2023年的结果: Each 教职员工 member can articulate their career goals and is evaluated on his or her plan to achieve those goals.

      注:  This action item requires an increased awareness and support for each employee’s professional development plan. Outcomes should include 1) improved employee morale; 2) improved service to clients and consumers; and, 3) FSU内部更大的晋升和晋升机会.